
A linter is an analysis tool that checks for common errors or compatibility issues, usually automatically, or as part of some other process.

Snapcraft 7.2 and higher provides built-in linter functionality when the snap uses core22 or higher as its base.

By default, these built-in linters run automatically when a snap is built. If they’re unneeded, you can disable them in the snap’s project file.

Built-in linters

Snapcraft runs the following linters:

  • classic. Verifies binary file parameters for snaps using classic confinement.

  • library. Verifies that no ELF file dependencies, such as libraries, are missing, and that no extra libraries are included in the snap package.

Disable a linter

You can disable a linter by adding it to the lint.ignore key in the project file. For example:

    - classic
    - library

Ignore specific files

To disable a linter for a specific file, you can list it under a linter’s entry in the lint.ignore key. The path is relative to the snap directory tree, and supports wildcard characters (*).

In the following example, the classic linter is disabled entirely, and the library linter won’t run for the files in usr/lib that match the specified pattern:

    - classic
    - library:
      - usr/lib/**/*