Example Rust app

This how-to guide covers the steps, decisions, and implementation details that are unique when crafting a Rust-based snap. We’ll work through the aspects unique to Rust apps by examining an existing project.

The process of developing a snap for a Rust app builds on top of standard Rust packaging tools and configuration, making it possible to adapt or integrate an app’s existing build tooling into the crafting process.

Example project file for XSV

The following code comprises the project file of a Rust app, XSV. It analyses and manipulates CSV files.

XSV project file
name: xsv
version: git
summary: A fast CSV command line toolkit written in Rust
description: |
  xsv is a command line program for indexing, slicing, analysing,
  splitting and joining CSV files. Commands should be simple, fast and
base: core18
confinement: devmode

    plugin: rust
    source: .

    command: bin/xsv

Add a part written in Rust

    plugin: rust
    source: .

Rust parts are built with the Rust plugin.

This project file bundles the current stable release of Rust in the snap using Rustup. Dependencies from the project’s Cargo.toml are also bundled.

To declare a Rust part:

  1. Declare the general part keys, such as source, override-build, build-packages, and so on.

  2. Set plugin: python.

  3. If the snap uses core18, you can override the Rust toolchain version with the rust-revision list key.