Example Flutter app

This how-to guide covers the steps, decisions, and implementation details that are unique when crafting a snap of an app built using GTK4 and GNOME. We’ll work through the aspects unique to GTK4-based apps by examining an existing project file.

Example Flutter app project file

The following code comprises the project file of a simple Flutter app, my-flutter-app. This project is merely a demonstration of a clicker window for GNOME.

Flutter app project file
name: my-flutter-app
version: "1.0"
summary: An example Flutter snap
description: |
  An example showing how Flutter programs can be packaged as snaps.

base: core22
confinement: strict
grade: stable

    command: my_flutter_app
    extensions: [gnome]

    source: .
    plugin: flutter
    flutter-target: lib/main.dart

Add an app written for Flutter

    source: .
    plugin: flutter
    flutter-target: lib/main.dart

Flutter parts are built with the flutter plugin.

To add a Flutter part:

  1. Declare the general part keys, such as source, override-build, build-packages, and so on.

  2. Set plugin: flutter.

  3. If the part is the main app, set flutter-target to the location of the project’s main.dart file.