Architectures ============= By default, Snapcraft builds a snap to run on the same architecture as the build environment. This behaviour can be modified with the top-level keywords ``architectures`` and ``platforms`` in the snap’s ``snapcraft.yaml``. The ``architectures`` and ``platforms`` keywords are used to create a build plan. See :ref:`build plans` for an explanation on how build plans are created. The keywords are base-dependent: * ``platforms`` is used for ``core24`` snaps * ``architectures`` is used for ``core20`` and ``core22`` snaps How to create a snap for a specific architecture ------------------------------------------------ To create a snap that will be built on ``amd64`` and built for ``amd64``, use one of the ``snapcraft.yaml`` snippets below. core24 ^^^^^^ .. code-block:: yaml platforms: amd64: build-on: [amd64] build-for: [amd64] Building on ``amd64`` will produce one snap built for ``amd64``. If the platform name is a valid architecture and ``build-for`` is omitted, ``build-for`` will assume the platform name. The following snippet will produce the same result as above: .. code-block:: yaml platforms: amd64: build-on: [amd64] If the platform name is a valid architecture, then ``build-on`` and ``build-for`` will assume the platform name. The following snippet will produce the same result: .. code-block:: yaml platforms: amd64: Note that ``build-for`` can be omitted if ``build-on`` is defined but the converse is not true; ``build-on`` cannot be omitted if ``build-for`` is defined. core22 ^^^^^^ .. code-block:: yaml architectures: - build-on: [amd64] build-for: [amd64] Building on ``amd64`` will produce one snap built for ``amd64``. Snapcraft will raise an error when building on another architecture. If ``build-for`` is omitted, it will assume the value of ``build-on``. The following snippet will produce the same result: .. code-block:: yaml architectures: - build-on: [amd64] core20 ^^^^^^ .. code-block:: yaml architectures: - build-on: [amd64] run-on: [amd64] Building on ``amd64`` will produce one snap built for ``amd64``. Snapcraft will not raise an error when building on another architecture. Instead, it will ignore the ``architectures`` keyword and build for the build-on architecture. If ``run-on`` is omitted, it will assume the value of ``build-on``. The following snippet will produce the same result: .. code-block:: yaml architectures: - build-on: [amd64] The shorthand format will also produce the same result: .. code-block:: yaml architectures: - amd64 How to create a set of snaps for multiple architectures ------------------------------------------------------- core24 ^^^^^^ ``core24`` snaps accept a single build-for architecture per-platform. To create a set of snaps for multiple architectures, define a set of platforms: .. code-block:: yaml platforms: amd64: build-on: [amd64] build-for: [amd64] arm64: build-on: [arm64] build-for: [arm64] Building on ``amd64`` will produce one snap for ``amd64``. Building on ``arm64`` will produce one snap for ``arm64``. Snapcraft will raise an error when building on another architecture. If the platform name is a valid architecture and ``build-for`` is omitted, ``build-for`` will assume the platform name. The following snippet will produce the same result as above: .. code-block:: yaml platforms: amd64: build-on: [amd64] arm64: build-on: [arm64] If the platform name is a valid architecture, then ``build-on`` and ``build-for`` will assume the platform name. The following snippet will produce the same result: .. code-block:: yaml platforms: amd64: arm64: core22 ^^^^^^ ``core22`` snaps accept a single ``build-for`` architecture per ``build-on``/``build-for`` pair. To create a set of snaps for multiple architectures, define a set of ``build-on``/``build-for`` pairs: .. code-block:: yaml architectures: - build-on: [amd64] build-for: [amd64] - build-on: [arm64] build-for: [arm64] Building on ``amd64`` will produce one snap for ``amd64``. Building on ``arm64`` will produce one snap for ``arm64``. Snapcraft will raise an error when building on another architecture. If ``build-for`` is omitted, it will assume the value of ``build-on``. The following snippet will produce the same result: .. code-block:: yaml architectures: - build-on: [amd64] - build-on: [arm64] core20 ^^^^^^ .. code-block:: yaml architectures: - build-on: [amd64] run-on: [amd64] - build-on: [arm64] run-on: [arm64] Building on ``amd64`` will produce one snap built for ``amd64``. Building on ``arm64`` will produce one snap built for ``arm64``. Snapcraft will not raise an error when building on another architecture. Instead, it will ignore the ``architectures`` keyword and build for the build-on architecture. If ``run-on`` is omitted, it will assume the value of ``build-on``. The following snippet will produce the same result: .. code-block:: yaml architectures: - build-on: [amd64] - build-on: [arm64] The shorthand format will also produce the same result: .. code-block:: yaml architectures: [amd64, arm64] .. _how-to-arch-build-for-all: How to create an architecture independent snap ---------------------------------------------- ``build-for: [all]`` is used for a snap that can run on all architectures, like a snap that is a shell or python script. It cannot be combined with other architectures. Click :ref:`here` for more information on the ``all`` keyword. core24 ^^^^^^ platforms: all: build-on: [amd64] build-for: [all] core22 ^^^^^^ .. code-block:: yaml architectures: - build-on: [amd64] build-for: [all] core20 ^^^^^^ .. code-block:: yaml architectures: - build-on: [amd64] run-on: [all] How to build a snap for a different architecture ------------------------------------------------ core24 ^^^^^^ .. code-block:: yaml platforms: arm64: build-on: [amd64] build-for: [arm64] Building on ``amd64`` will produce one snap built for ``arm64``. If the platform name is a valid architecture and ``build-for`` is omitted, ``build-for`` will assume the platform name. The following snippet will produce the same result as above: .. code-block:: yaml platforms: arm64: build-on: [amd64] ``core24`` can handle complex build plans. For example: .. code-block:: yaml platforms: amd64: build-on: [amd64] build-for: [amd64] arm64: build-on: [amd64, arm64] build-for: [arm64] Building on ``arm64`` will produce one snap built for ``arm64``. Building on ``amd64`` will produce two snaps, one built for ``amd64`` and one built for ``arm64``. This only occurs using remote-build or a build provider. In destructive mode, Snapcraft can only produce one snap. ``--build-for`` or ``--platform`` must be used to narrow down the build plan to a single snap. For example, ``snapcraft pack --destructive-mode --platform arm64`` on ``amd64`` will produce one snap built for ``arm64``. Snapcraft will raise an error when building on another architecture. core22 ^^^^^^ .. code-block:: yaml architectures: - build-on: [amd64] build-for: [arm64] Building on ``amd64`` will produce one snap built for ``arm64``. Snapcraft will raise an error when building on another architecture. ``core22`` can handle complex build plans. For example: .. code-block:: yaml architectures: - build-on: [amd64] build-for: [amd64] - build-on: [amd64, arm64] build-for: [arm64] Building on ``amd64`` will produce two snaps, one built for ``amd64`` and one built for ``arm64``. Building on ``arm64`` will produce one snap built for ``arm64``. Snapcraft will raise an error when building on another architecture. core20 ^^^^^^ .. code-block:: yaml architectures: - build-on: [amd64] run-on: [arm64] Building on ``amd64`` will produce one snap built for ``arm64``. Snapcraft will not raise an error when building on another architecture. Instead, it will ignore the ``architectures`` keyword and build for the build-on architecture. Complex build plans like the previous ``core22`` example are not supported for ``core20``. How to stage packages from another architecture ----------------------------------------------- To use an ``i386`` package for an ``amd64`` snap, use the following ``snapcraft.yaml`` snippets for ``core22``: .. code-block:: yaml architectures: - build-on: [amd64] build-for: [amd64] package-repositories: - type: apt formats: [deb] architectures: [i386] components: [main] suites: [jammy] key-id: F23C5A6CF475977595C89F51BA6932366A755776 url: parts: mypart: stage-packages: - libpython3.11-minimal:i386 This is supported for related architectures. A snap built for ``amd64`` can stage ``i386`` packages and a snap built for ``i386`` can stage ``amd64`` packages. Similarly, a snap built for ``arm64`` can stage ``armhf`` packages and a snap built for ``armhf`` can stage ``amd64`` packages.