.. Ideally, this would be automatically generated. .. _part_properties: Part properties =============== .. _after: after ----- **Type:** array of unique strings with at least 1 item **Step:** build Specifies a list of parts that a given part will be built *after*. .. ifconfig:: project in ("Snapcraft",) .. _build_attributes: build-attributes ---------------- **Type:** array of unique strings with at least 1 item from "core22-step-dependencies", "enable-patchelf", "no-patchelf", "no-install", "debug", "keep-execstack". **Step:** build The customisations to apply to the build. .. _build_environment: build-environment ----------------- **Type:** build-environment-grammar **Step:** build The environment variables to be defined in the build environment specified as a list of key-value pairs. **Example:** .. code:: yaml build-environment: - MESSAGE: "Hello world" - NAME: "Craft Parts" .. _build_packages: build-packages -------------- **Type:** grammar-array **Step:** build The system packages to be installed in the build environment before the build is performed. These are installed using the host's native package manager, such as :command:`apt` or :command:`dnf`, and they provide libraries and executables that the part needs during the build process. .. _build_snaps: build-snaps ----------- **Type:** grammar-array **Step:** build The snaps to be installed in the build environment before the build is performed. These provide libraries and executables that the part needs during the build process. They take the form of ``//``, ``/`` or just ````. For example, the ``node`` snap could be specified as ``node/18/stable``, ``node/latest/stable`` or ``node/stable`` to select different versions. .. _organize: organize -------- **Type:** ordered dictionary mapping strings to strings **Step:** stage Describes how files in the building area should be represented in the staging area. In the following example, the ``hello.py`` file in the build area is copied to the ``bin`` directory in the staging area and renamed to ``hello``: .. code:: yaml organize: hello.py: bin/hello If partitions are in use by the application, they may be referenced by prepending the partition name, surrounded by parentheses, to the destination path. Only the destination path may specify a partition; source paths always reference the ``default`` partition. Omitting the partition name in the destination path causes the file to be copied to the ``default`` partition. The following example is exactly equivalent to the above example: .. code:: yaml organize: hello.py: (default)/bin/hello In this example, the file is instead copied to the application-defined ``boot`` partition: .. code:: yaml organize: vmlinuz-6.2.0-39-generic: (boot)/vmlinuz .. _override_build: override-build -------------- **Type:** string **Step:** pull A string containing commands to be run in a shell instead of performing those defined by the plugin for the build step. override-prime -------------- **Type:** string **Step:** pull A string containing commands to be run in a shell instead of performing the standard actions for the prime step. .. _override_pull: override-pull ------------- **Type:** string **Step:** pull A string containing commands to be run in a shell instead of performing the standard actions for the pull step. .. Possibly mention the use of | at the start of the value and the type of shell and its options. .. _override_stage: override-stage -------------- **Type:** string **Step:** pull A string containing commands to be run in a shell instead of performing the standard actions for the stage step. parse-info ---------- **Type:** string **Step:** all .. _part-properties-plugin: plugin ------ **Type:** string **Step:** all steps The plugin used to build the part. Available plugins include the following: +-----------+-----------------------+ | **Name** | **Note** | +===========+=======================+ | ant | `Apache Ant`_ | +-----------+-----------------------+ | autotools | `Autotools`_ | +-----------+-----------------------+ | cmake | `CMake`_ | +-----------+-----------------------+ | dotnet | `.Net`_ | +-----------+-----------------------+ | dump | Simple file unpacking | +-----------+-----------------------+ | go | `Go`_ | +-----------+-----------------------+ | make | `Make`_ | +-----------+-----------------------+ | maven | `Apache Maven`_ | +-----------+-----------------------+ | meson | `Meson`_ | +-----------+-----------------------+ | nil | No default actions | +-----------+-----------------------+ | npm | `NPM`_ | +-----------+-----------------------+ | python | `Python package`_ | +-----------+-----------------------+ | rust | Rust with `Cargo`_ | +-----------+-----------------------+ | scons | `SCons`_ | +-----------+-----------------------+ .. _prime: prime ----- **Type:** array of unique strings with at least 1 item **Step:** prime The files to copy from the staging area to the priming area, see :ref:`filesets_specifying_paths`. .. _part-properties-sources: .. _source: source ------ **Type:** grammar-string **Step:** pull The location of the source code and data. .. _source_branch: source-branch ------------- **Type:** string **Step:** pull The branch in the source repository to use when pulling the source code. .. _source_checksum: source-checksum --------------- **Type:** string **Step:** pull For plugins that use files, this key contains a checksum value to be compared against the checksum of the downloaded file. .. _source_commit: source-commit ------------- **Type:** string **Step:** pull The commit to use to select a particular revision of the source code obtained from a repository. .. _source_depth: source-depth ------------ **Type:** integer **Step:** pull The number of commits in a repository's history that should be fetched instead of the complete history. .. _source_subdir: source-subdir ------------- **Type:** string **Step:** pull The subdirectory in the unpacked sources where builds will occur. .. note:: This key restricts the build to the subdirectory specified, preventing access to files in the parent directory and elsewhere in the file system directory structure. .. _source_submodules: source-submodules ----------------- **Type:** array of unique strings with 0 or more items **Step:** pull The submodules to fetch in the source repository. .. _source_tag: source-tag ---------- **Type:** string **Step:** pull The tag to use to select a particular revision of the source code obtained from a repository. .. _source_type: source-type ----------- **Type:** one of "deb", "file", "git", "local", "rpm", "snap", "tar", "zip" **Step:** pull The type of container for the source code. If not specified, Craft Parts will attempt to auto-detect the source type. A list of supported formats can be found in the :mod:`craft_parts.sources` file. .. _stage: stage ----- **Type:** array of unique strings with at least 1 item **Step:** stage The files to copy from the building area to the staging area, see :ref:`filesets_specifying_paths`. .. _stage_packages: stage-packages -------------- **Type:** grammar-array **Step:** stage The packages to install in the staging area for deployment with the build products. These provide libraries and executables to support the deployed part. This keyword also support supports `Chisel `_ slices. To install a package slice instead of the whole package, simply follow the Chisel convention *_*. NOTE: at the moment, it is not possible to mix packages and slices in the same stage-packages field. .. _stage_snaps: stage-snaps ----------- **Type:** grammar-array **Step:** stage The snaps to install in the staging area for deployment with the build products. These provide libraries and executables to support the deployed part. Summary of keys and steps ------------------------- The following table shows the keys that are used in each build step. The ``plugin`` and ``parse-info`` keys apply to all steps. +-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+----------------+ | Pull | Build | Stage | Prime | +===================+===================+===================+================+ | source | after | stage | prime | +-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+----------------+ | source-checksum | build-attributes | stage-snaps | | +-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+----------------+ | source-branch | build-environment | stage-packages | | +-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+----------------+ | source-commit | build-packages | | | +-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+----------------+ | source-depth | build-snaps | | | +-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+----------------+ | source-submodules | organize | | | +-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+----------------+ | source-subdir | | | | +-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+----------------+ | source-tag | | | | +-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+----------------+ | source-type | | | | +-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+----------------+ | override-pull | override-build | override-stage | override-prime | +-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+----------------+ .. _`Apache Ant`: https://ant.apache.org/ .. _`Apache Maven`: https://maven.apache.org/ .. _`Autotools`: https://www.gnu.org/software/automake/ .. _`Cargo`: https://crates.io/ .. _`CMake`: https://cmake.org/ .. _`Go`: https://go.dev/ .. _`Make`: https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html .. _`Meson`: https://mesonbuild.com/ .. _`.Net`: https://github.com/dotnet/core .. _`NPM`: https://www.npmjs.com/ .. _`Python package`: https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/guides/distributing-packages-using-setuptools/ .. _`SCons`: https://scons.org/