Snapcraft 8.7 release notes

03 March 2025

Learn about the new features, changes, and fixes introduced in Snapcraft 8.7.

Requirements and compatibility

See System requirements for information on the minimum hardware and installed software.

What’s new

Snapcraft 8.7 brings the following features, integrations, and improvements.

Bash completion

Previously, the completion file for Snapcraft was outdated or incorrect because it had to be manually updated.

We’ve updated the completion file to be generated dynamically, which means it will always autocomplete the latest commands and options in Bash-compatible shells. Try it out by typing snapcraft and pressing Tab in your terminal.

Improved remote builder

Remote builds can now use the --build-for option to filter entries in an architectures or platforms key in a project file.

Support for confdbs

Snapcraft now supports listing and editing confdbs with the commands list-confdbs and edit-confdbs. These new commands replace the previous list-registries and edit-registries commands, respectively.

Support for relocatable pkgconfig files

Snapcraft now checks if pkg-config (.pc) files are relocatable. If the file is relocatable, Snapcraft will no longer modify its prefix field.

Documentation improvements

The following how-to guides have been integrated:

The following references have been integrated:

Backwards-incompatible changes

Removed platform option for remote builds

The --platform option has been removed from the remote-build command.

This option was dropped because it doesn’t provide predictable results for remote builds, due to Launchpad’s handling of the platforms key in project files.

--build-for is the recommended alternative until Launchpad has comprehensive support for platforms.

Fixed bugs and issues

The following issues have been resolved in Snapcraft 8.7:

  • #5258 The Flutter plugin failed to install Flutter for core22 and core24 snaps.

  • #5250 Resources path for QtWebEngineProcess wasn’t exported for snaps using the KDE Neon 6 extension.

  • craft-parts#978 The source-subdir field was ignored for the Go Use plugin.

  • craft-application#600 The same build environment may be re-used for platforms with the same build-on and build-for architectures.

  • craft-application#618 The remote builder would clean up projects after they timed out.

  • craft-application#619 The remote builder suggested using a nonextistent --build-id option if the build timed out.

  • craft-application#620 The remote builder help suggested using a nonextistent --status option.


We would like to express a big thank you to all the people who contributed to this release.

@bepri, @medubelko, @mr-cal, and @sergio-costas