Example .NET app

This how-to guide covers the steps, decisions, and implementation details that are unique when crafting a snap of an app built using .NET. We’ll work through the aspects unique to .NET-based apps by examining an existing recipe.

Example whatime recipe

The following code comprises the recipe of a .NET project, whatime. This project is a CLI command for returning the current time in cities across the globe.

whatime recipe
name: whatime
version: "1.0.0"
grade: devel
summary: Get the current time in various cities around the world
description: |
  Whatime is able to get you the current time in several different cities
  around the world.

base: core22
confinement: devmode

    plugin: dotnet
    dotnet-build-configuration: Release
    dotnet-self-contained-runtime-identifier: linux-x64
    source: .
      - dotnet-sdk-6.0
      - libicu70

    command: Whatime

Add a part written for .NET

    plugin: dotnet
    dotnet-build-configuration: Release
    dotnet-self-contained-runtime-identifier: linux-x64
    source: .
      - dotnet-sdk-6.0
      - libicu70

.NET parts are built with the dotnet plugin.

To add a .NET part:

  1. Declare the general part keys, such as source, override-build, and so on.

  2. Set plugin: dotnet.

  3. If you need to override the build configuration, set dotnet-build-configuration to the name of a configuration.

  4. If you need to build the project as a single binary:

    1. In the .csproj file, add the following to the <PropertyGroup> tag:

    2. Set dotnet-self-contained-runtime-identifier to the target architecture’s runtime identifier.

  5. For build-packages, list any required .NET SDK packages needed for build time.