Changelog ********* .. release template: X.Y.Z (YYYY-MMM-DD) ------------------- Core ==== # for everything related to the lifecycle of packing a snap Bases ##### """""""" (order from newest base to oldest base) Plugins ####### """""""" Extensions ########## """"""""""" Metadata ######## Sources ####### Components ########## Command line ============ # for command line and UX changes Linter ====== Init ==== Metrics ======= Names ===== Remote build ============ Store ===== Documentation ============= For a complete list of commits, check out the `X.Y.Z`_ release on GitHub. 8.3.4 (2024-Sep-13) ------------------- Core ==== Plugins ####### NPM """ * Fix a bug where NPM parts fail to build if the ``pull`` and ``build`` steps did not occur in the same execution of Snapcraft. For a complete list of commits, check out the `8.3.4`_ release on GitHub. 8.4.0 (2024-Sep-10) ------------------- .. note:: 8.4.0 includes changes from the :ref:`7.5.6<7.5.6_changelog>` release. Core ==== * Fix a bug where Snapcraft would fail to inject itself into the build environment when not running as a snap (`canonical/charmcraft#406`_). If an app isn't running from snap, the installed app will now install the snap in the build environment using the channel in the ``CRAFT_SNAP_CHANNEL`` environment variable, defaulting to ``latest/stable`` if none is set. * Fix a regression where icons wouldn't be configured and installed for snaps with no ``apps`` defined in their ``snapcraft.yaml``. Bases ##### core24 """""" * Raise an error if the build plan is empty and no snaps will be built (`canonical/craft-application#225`_). * Fix a regression where ``https_proxy``, ``https_proxy``, and ``no_proxy`` were not forwarded into the build environment. Plugins ####### * Fix a bug where ``snapcraft list-plugins --base core20`` would fail in a ``core24`` project directory (`#5008`_). Components ########## * Allow numbers and hyphens in component names (`LP#2069783`_). * Fix a bug where ``stage-packages`` can't be used when components are defined (`canonical/craft-parts#804`_). Command line ============ * Improve error messages when parsing a ``snapcraft.yaml`` file (`#4941`_). * Improve error messages when using an `ESM base`_. * Improve error messages for missing files (`canonical/craft-parts#802`_). * Improve error messages when a build fails because it matches multiple platforms (`canonical/craft-application#382`_). * Fix a bug where multi-line error messages would overwrite the previous line (`canonical/craft-cli#270`_). Remote build ============ * Add "Pending" status for queued remote builds. * Add documentation links to remote-build errors. * Improve error messages when multiple snaps can be built on a single ``build-on`` architecture (`#4995`_). * Improve error messages when using the wrong remote builder. * Fix a regression where ``--platform`` or ``--build-for`` could be used when ``platforms`` or ``architectures`` were defined in the ``snapcraft.yaml`` file (`#4881`_). * Fix a regression where ``--platform`` could be used for ``core22`` snaps (`#4881`_). * Fix a bug where ``SNAPCRAFT_REMOTE_BUILD_STRATEGY`` would be validated when running commands other than ``remote-build``. * Fix a bug where ``SNAPCRAFT_REMOTE_BUILD_STRATEGY`` was ignored for ``core24`` snaps. Documentation ============= * Add changelog notes for all Snapcraft 8.x releases * Add :doc:`reference`, :doc:`explanation`, and :doc:`how-to` for components. * Add :doc:`reference`, :doc:`explanation`, and :doc:`how-to` for bases. For a complete list of commits, check out the `8.4.0`_ release on GitHub. 8.3.3 (2024-Aug-28) ------------------- Core ==== * Improve detection and error messages when LXD is not installed or not properly enabled. Bases ##### core24 """""" * Require Multipass >= ``1.14.1`` when using Multipass to build ``core24`` snaps. For a complete list of commits, check out the `8.3.3`_ release on GitHub. .. _7.5.6_changelog: 7.5.6 (2024-Aug-15) ------------------- Core ==== Bases ##### core22 """""" * Fix a regression where icons would not be configured and installed for snaps with no ``apps`` defined in their ``snapcraft.yaml``. For a complete list of commits, check out the `7.5.6`_ release on GitHub. 8.3.2 (2024-Aug-05) ------------------- Core ==== Bases ##### core24 """""" * Fix a bug where classic snaps with a Python virtual environment would attempt to use the system's Python intepretter (`#4942`_). Plugins ####### Kernel """""" * Fix a bug where removing a missing symlink would cause the kernel plugin to fail. Store ===== * Fix a bug where ``edit-validation-sets`` would fail when editing a validation sets with snap revisions (`#4909`_). For a complete list of commits, check out the `8.3.2`_ release on GitHub. 8.3.1 (2024-Jul-08) ------------------- Core ==== Bases ##### core24 """""" * Support ``all`` as a target with ``build-for: [all]`` (`#4854`_). * Ensure Craft Providers provider (LXD or Multipass) is available before launching a build environment. * Improve presentation of ``snapcraft.yaml`` model errors. Metadata ######## * Validate that ``update_contact``, ``donation``, ``vcs-browser``, ``bugtracker``, and ``homepage`` fields adopted from an appstream metadata file are valid URLs or email addresses. * Ensure that ``contact``, ``donation``, ``source-code``, ``issues``, and ``website`` fields in a snapcraft.yaml take priority over appstream metadata (`#4890`_). Remote build ============ * Require ``core20`` snaps to use the legacy remote builder (`#4886`_). * Allow building ``core22`` snaps with ``build-for: [all]``. * Support reading Launchpad credentials from the previous location (`#4889`_). If launchpad credentials do not exist in the new location (``$XDG_DATA_DIR/snapcraft/launchpad-credentials``) introduced in ``8.2.0``, then load credentials from the previous location (``$XDG_DATA_DIR/snapcraft/provider/launchpad/credentials``) and emit a deprecation notice. .. note:: This behavior applies to the new and legacy remote builders. Documentation ============= * Add an :doc:`explanation` for the remote builders (`#4842`_). * Update :doc:`reference`, :doc:`how-to`, and :doc:`explanation` for platforms and architectures. For a complete list of commits, check out the `8.3.1`_ release on GitHub. 8.3.0 (2024-Jun-27) ------------------- Core ==== * Improve logging to show which package is being fetched. * Add support for parts to source ``7z`` archives. * Improve error messages when sources cannot be fetched. Bases ##### core24 """""" * Add support for ``core24-desktop`` snaps (`#4818`_). core22 """""" * Warn when multiple snaps are going to be built in destructive mode because it may cause unexpected behavior (`#4685`_, `#4356`_). * Fix a regression where ``core22-desktop`` could not be built (`#4818`_). Plugins ####### Flutter """"""" * Add ``curl`` as a ``build-package`` for ``flutter`` parts (`#4804`_). ROS 2 Jazzy """"""""""" * Add support for the new ROS 2 Jazzy extension which lets you snap ROS 2 applications on ``core24`` (`#4791`_). * Similar to ROS 2 Humble for ``core22``, content-sharing is supported (`#4828`_). For more information, see and NPM """ Various improvements for the ``core22`` and ``core24`` NPM plugins: * Accept NVM-style version identifiers for ``npm-node-version``. * Verify SHA256 checksums after node.js download (`canonical/craft-parts#717`_). * Use new-style ``npm-install`` commands if the npm version is newer than ``8.x``. * Set ``NODE_ENV`` to ``production`` by default. List plugins """""""""""" * Fix a bug where ``snapcraft list-plugins`` would fail to run in a ``core24`` project directory (`#4830`_). * Update ``snapcraft list-plugins`` to show a list of ``core24`` plugins instead of ``core22`` plugins when not in a project directory (`#4830`_). Extensions ########## Gnome """"" * Make gnome extension stable for ``core24``. * Fix ``GI_TYPELIB_PATH`` and ``XDG_DATA_DIRS`` paths in the build environment (`#4798`_). * Integrate with the ``gpu-2404`` SDK (`#4744`_). For more information, see the `gpu 2404 interface docs`_. KDE Neon 6 """""""""" * Fix paths to ``QtWebEngineProcess`` in the desktop launcher (`#4745`_). Expand extensions """"""""""""""""" * Fix a bug where ``snapcraft expand-extensions`` could not parse a ``snapcraft.yaml`` file containing the ``platforms`` keyword. Components ########## * Include the ``provenance`` keyword in a component's metadata from a ``snapcraft.yaml`` file (`#4827`_). Metadata ######## Add support for adopting more metadata fields from a project's appstream file: * ``license`` * ``contact`` * ``source-code`` * ``issues`` * ``websites`` * ``donations`` Metrics ####### * Add support for ``snapcraft metrics`` to retrieve the metrics ``installed_base_by_architecture`` and ``weekly_installed_base_by_architecture`` (`#4735`_). Names ##### * Add output formatting to ``snapcraft names`` with ``--format``. Supported formats are ``table`` and ``json`` (`#4778`_). Init #### * Update ``snapcraft init`` to create a ``core24`` project instead of a ``core22`` project (`#4830`_) Documentation ############# * Update Snapcraft's documentation to use the `canonical-sphinx`_ theme. Add reference documentation for more plugins (`#4811`_): * ``ant`` * ``autotools`` * ``cmake`` * ``dotnet`` * ``go`` * ``make`` * ``meson`` * ``nil`` * ``npm`` * ``qmake`` * ``scons`` For a complete list of commits, check out the `8.3.0`_ release on GitHub. 8.2.12 (2024-Jun-12) -------------------- Core ==== Bases ##### core24 """""" * Fix a bug where snaps would stage Python packages already included in the ``core24`` base snap (`#4865`_). Store ===== * Fix a bug where store-related error messages would be presented as an internal Snapcraft error. * Add a resolution and link to documentation for keyring errors. Documentation ============= * Fix Snapcraft's version in the readthedocs documentation. For a complete list of commits, check out the `8.2.12`_ release on GitHub. 8.2.11 (2024-Jun-12) -------------------- Core ==== Plugins ####### Dotnet """""" * Fix a regression where the ``dotnet`` plugin could not be used for ``core22`` snaps (`#4825`_). For a complete list of commits, check out the `8.2.11`_ release on GitHub. 8.2.10 (2024-Jun-03) -------------------- Remote builder ============== * Fix a bug where comma-separated architectures in ``--build-for`` could not be parsed (`#4780`_). * Fix a bug where ``core22`` snaps with a top level ``architectures`` keyword could not be parsed (`#4780`_). * Fix a bug where remote build log files were incorrectly named (`#4781`_). * Retry more API calls to Launchpad (`canonical/craft-application#355`_). * Add an exponential backoff to API retries with a maximum total delay of 62 seconds (`canonical/craft-application#355`_). * Fix a bug where the remote builder would not fail if no artefacts were created (`#4783`_). For a complete list of commits, check out the `8.2.10`_ release on GitHub. 8.2.9 (2024-May-28) ------------------- Core ==== Extensions ########## KDE Neon 6 """""""""" * Fix multiple issues to allow web processes to work correctly (`#4823`_). * Expose the ``libplas`` and ``liblapack`` provided by the ``kf6-core22{-sdk}`` snaps (`#4823`_). For a complete list of commits, check out the `8.2.9`_ release on GitHub. 8.2.8 (2024-May-17) ------------------- Core ==== Bases ##### core24 """""" * Fix a behavior where shared libraries from the host were loaded for classically confined snaps. .. note:: This is implemented with ``patchelf --no-default-lib`` when ``enable-patchelf`` is defined. Plugins ####### Dotnet """""" * Disable the ``dotnet`` plugin for ``core24`` snaps due to a pending rewrite. For a complete list of commits, check out the `8.2.8`_ release on GitHub. 8.2.7 (2024-May-09) ------------------- Core ==== * Add support for ``ignore-running`` in ``apps..refresh-mode`` in a ``snapcraft.yaml`` file (`#4747`_). Remote build ============ * Fix a regression where remote build would fail to parse some ``architectures`` definitions (`#4780`_). For a complete list of commits, check out the `8.2.7`_ release on GitHub. 8.2.6 (2024-May-09) ------------------- Core ==== * Fix a regression where a directory could not be packaged as a snap (`#4769`_). For a complete list of commits, check out the `8.2.6`_ release on GitHub. 8.2.5 (2024-May-07) ------------------- Store ===== * Fix the same ``cryptography`` regression addressed in ``8.2.4`` but for store-related operations. For a complete list of commits, check out the `8.2.5`_ release on GitHub. 8.2.4 (2024-May-05) ------------------- * Fix a regression where Snapcraft would fail to run on some architectures due to a ``cryptography`` dependency that attempted to load legacy algorithms (`LP#2064639`_). For a complete list of commits, check out the `8.2.4`_ release on GitHub. 8.2.3 (2024-May-01) ------------------- Core ==== Bases ##### core24 """""" * Fix a bug where project variables were evaluated before extensions were applied (`#4771`_). * Fix a bug where ``build-for`` project variables were evaluated based on the host architecture (`#4770`_). For a complete list of commits, check out the `8.2.3`_ release on GitHub. 8.2.2 (2024-Apr-30) ------------------- Core ==== Bases ##### core24 """""" * Fix a bug where advanced grammar could not be combined with other data (`#4764`_, `LP#2061603`_). For a complete list of commits, check out the `8.2.2`_ release on GitHub. 8.2.1 (2024-Apr-25) ------------------- Core ==== Bases ##### core24 """""" * Fix a bug where `project variables`_ were not evaluated inside a ``snapcraft.yaml`` file and were not available as environment variables in the build environment. * Fix a bug where `advanced grammar`_ was not evaluated in root-level part keywords ``build-packages`` and ``build-snaps``. * Fix a bug where local key assets in ``snap/keys/`` were not used when installing package repositories. Remote build ============ * Fix a bug where ``core24`` snaps could not use package repositories because ``gpg`` and ``dirmngr`` were not installed in the remote build environment. For a complete list of commits, check out the `8.2.1`_ release on GitHub. 8.2.0 (2024-Apr-17) ------------------- Core ==== Bases ##### core24 """""" * Drop requirement for ``build-base: devel`` for ``core24`` snaps. core22 """""" * Extend `advanced grammar`_ for all part keywords except plugin-specific keywords. Remote build ============ * Migrate to the upstream remote builder in `Craft Application`_. * Allow only one remote build is allowed per project. * Remove support for ``build-id`` with ``snapcraft remote-build --recover``. * Remove support for deprecated ``--build-on`` argument in favor of ``--build-for``. * Move Launchpad credentials file from ``$XDG_DATA_DIR/snapcraft/provider/launchpad/credentials`` to ``$XDG_DATA_DIR/snapcraft/launchpad-credentials``. * Fail if snapcraft is in a shallowly-cloned git repository instead of falling back to the legacy remote builder. .. note:: Reminder: Legacy remote-build behavior can be used for bases core22 and older with the environment variable ``SNAPCRAFT_REMOTE_BUILD_STRATEGY="force-fallback"``. See more information in the :doc:`remote build` documentation. For a complete list of commits, check out the `8.2.0`_ release on GitHub. 8.1.0 (2024-Apr-10) ------------------- Core ==== Bases ##### core24 """""" * Finalize internal refactor to use `Craft Application`_ to build ``core24`` snaps. For more information on deprecations and changes, see the `core24 migration guide`_. Plugins ####### Matter SDK """""""""" * Add new Matter SDK plugin for ``core22``. For more information, see the `Matter`_ website and the `Matter on Ubuntu`_ docs. Maven """"" * Add support for the Maven plugin for ``core22`` snaps. For more information, see :doc:`/reference/plugins/maven_plugin`. QMake """"" * Add support for the QMake plugin for ``core22`` snaps. For more information, see Colcon """""" * Set build type to ``RELEASE`` if it is not defined by ``colcon_cmake_args: ["-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="]``). Extensions ########## KDE Neon 6 """""""""" * Add new ``kde-neon-6`` extension for ``core22`` snaps that use Qt6 or the KDE Neon 6 framework. Components ########## * Add support for creating components. * Components are parts of a snap that can be built and uploaded in conjunction with a snap and later optionally installed beside it. For more information, see the :doc:`reference`, :doc:`explanation`, and :doc:`how-to` documentation pages. Remote build ============ * Add support for user-defined Launchpad projects projects, including private projects. * This is configured via ``snapcraft remote-build --project ``. For a complete list of commits, check out the `8.1.0`_ release on GitHub. 8.0.5 (2024-Mar-18) ------------------- Core ==== * Fix a bug where LXD versions with an "LTS" suffix could not be parsed. For a complete list of commits, check out the `8.0.5`_ release on GitHub. 8.0.4 (2024-Mar-04) ------------------- Core ==== Bases ##### * Fix a bug where ``devel`` bases may not be fully validated. * Bump the LXD compatibility tag to ``v7``. core24 """""" * Use ``buildd`` daily images instead of ``ubuntu`` images for ``core24`` bases and ``build-base: devel``. * Fix a bug where creating ``core24`` base images would fail because ``apt`` would install packages interactively. For a complete list of commits, check out the `8.0.4`_ release on GitHub. 8.0.3 (2024-Feb-09) ------------------- Core ==== * Add a warning that when a part uses ``override-prime`` it cannot use ``enable-patchelf`` (`#4547`_). Bases ##### * Bump the LXD compatibility tag to ``v6``. * Stop updating ``apt`` source config files when ``build-base: devel`` is defined. core24 """""" * Use the ``core24`` alias instead of the ``devel`` alias when retrieving LXD images. Plugins ####### Ant """ * Use the proxy environment variables ``http_proxy`` and ``https_proxy``. Remote build ============ * Fix a bug where ``--build-for`` and ``--build-on`` were not mutually exclusive options. * Improve error messages and provide links to documentation when remote builds fail (`#4517`_). * Fix a regression where comma-separated architectures in ``--build-on`` and ``--build-for`` were not accepted (`#4516`_). For a complete list of commits, check out the `8.0.3`_ release on GitHub. 8.0.2 (2024-Jan-23) ------------------- Core ==== * Fix a bug where Snapcraft fails to run on platforms where ``SSL_CERT_DIR`` is not set (`#4510`_, `#4520`_). * Fix a decoding bug when logging malformed output from other processes, typically during the ``build`` step (`#4515`_). For a complete list of commits, check out the `8.0.2`_ release on GitHub. 8.0.1 (2024-Jan-03) ------------------- Remote build ============ * Fix a bug where Snapcraft would not fail if the Launchpad build itself failed for new and legacy remote builders (`#4142`_). * Fix a bug where large repos could not be pushed with the new remote builder (`#4478`_). * Fallback to the legacy remote builder if the project is shallowly cloned (`#4479`_). For a complete list of commits, check out the `8.0.1`_ release on GitHub. 8.0.0 (2023-Dec-04) ------------------- Core ==== Bases ##### core22 """""" Add new environment variables for ``build-on`` and ``build-for`` architectures: * ``CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET_BUILD_FOR``, supersedes ``CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET`` * ``CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET_BUILD_ON`` * ``CRAFT_ARCH_BUILD_FOR``, supersedes ``CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH`` * ``CRAFT_ARCH_BUILD_ON`` For more information, see :doc:`/reference/architectures`. core20 """""" Add new environment variables for ``build-on`` and ``build-for`` architectures: * ``SNAPCRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET_BUILD_FOR``, supersedes ``SNAPCRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET`` * ``SNAPCRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET_BUILD_ON`` * ``SNAPCRAFT_ARCH_BUILD_FOR``, supersedes ``SNAPCRAFT_TARGET_ARCH`` * ``SNAPCRAFT_ARCH_BUILD_ON`` For more information, see :doc:`/reference/architectures`. core18 """""" * Deprecate building snaps using the ``core18`` base. For more information on how to continue building snaps with the ``core18`` base, see :ref:`this page`. Stage packages ############## * Support chiseled ``stage-packages``. This is useful for reducing the size of the snap when creating :ref:`base snaps` or using a bare base. For more information about chisel, see Plugins ####### Rust """" * Use default rust toolchain with ``rustup``. * Add option ``rust-ignore-toolchain-file``. * Add option ``rust-inherit-ldflags``. * Add list ``rust-cargo-parameters``. For more information about the new options, see :doc:`/common/craft-parts/reference/plugins/rust_plugin`. Kernel """""" * Generate kernel configs for Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy). Python """""" * Add support for Python projects driven by a ``pyproject.toml``. For more information, see the `PEP 518`_ spec. ROS 2 """"" * Add support for content sharing for core20 & core22 bases (ROS Noetic, Foxy, Humble) and the ``colcon``, ``catkin``, and ``catkin-tools`` plugins For more information on ROS architecture, see the `ROS architectures with snaps`_. More information on content-sharing, see: * * * Command line ============ * Stream messages in the default ``brief`` mode * Improve presentation of build step prefixes Linter ====== * Suggest packages to add to ``stage-packages`` to satisfy a potential missing library. Remote build ============ Introduce a new remote-builder for ``core24`` snaps: * Does not modify the project's ``snapcraft.yaml`` * Does not fetch and tarball remote sources before sending the project to Launchpad * Require projects to be in the top-level of a fully-cloned (non-shallow) git repository * Allow switching between the new and legacy remote builders with the environment variable ``SNAPCRAFT_REMOTE_BUILD_STRATEGY``. For more information on the new remote-builder, how to switch between the new and legacy remote builders, see :doc:`/explanation/remote-build`. Store ===== * Add a fallback to a file-based keyring when the system keyring cannot be initialized, is not fully configured, or is otherwise not available. For more information on the file-based keyring, see For a complete list of commits, check out the `8.0.0`_ release on GitHub. .. _advanced grammar: .. _ESM base: .. _canonical-sphinx: .. _core24 migration guide: .. _Craft Application: .. _gpu 2404 interface docs: .. _Matter: .. _Matter on Ubuntu: .. _project variables: .. _Releases page: .. _PEP 518: .. _ROS architectures with snaps: .. _canonical/charmcraft#406: .. _canonical/craft-application#225: .. _canonical/craft-application#355: .. _canonical/craft-application#382: .. _canonical/craft-cli#270: .. _canonical/craft-parts#717: .. _canonical/craft-parts#802: .. _canonical/craft-parts#804: .. _LP#2061603: .. _LP#2064639: .. _LP#2069783: .. _#4142: .. _#4356: .. _#4478: .. _#4479: .. _#4510: .. _#4515: .. _#4516: .. _#4517: .. _#4520: .. _#4547: .. _#4685: .. _#4735: .. _#4744: .. _#4745: .. _#4747: .. _#4764: .. _#4769: .. _#4770: .. _#4771: .. _#4778: .. _#4780: .. _#4781: .. _#4783: .. _#4791: .. _#4798: .. _#4804: .. _#4811: .. _#4818: .. _#4823: .. _#4825: .. _#4827: .. _#4828: .. _#4830: .. _#4842: .. _#4854: .. _#4865: .. _#4881: .. _#4886: .. _#4889: .. _#4890: .. _#4909: .. _#4941: .. _#4942: .. _#4995: .. _#5008: .. _7.5.6: .. _8.0.0: .. _8.0.1: .. _8.0.2: .. _8.0.3: .. _8.0.4: .. _8.0.5: .. _8.1.0: .. _8.2.0: .. _8.2.1: .. _8.2.2: .. _8.2.3: .. _8.2.4: .. _8.2.5: .. _8.2.6: .. _8.2.7: .. _8.2.8: .. _8.2.9: .. _8.2.10: .. _8.2.11: .. _8.2.12: .. _8.3.0: .. _8.3.1: .. _8.3.2: .. _8.3.3: .. _8.3.4: .. _8.4.0: