Remote build ============ Remote build is a feature in Snapcraft that offloads the build process to `Launchpad`_'s `build farm`_ and enables developers to build snaps for different architectures. Architectures supported by Launchpad can be found :ref:`here`. Open vs closed source --------------------- By default, prospective snaps must be open source because the build will be publicly available. Developers are reminded of this by confirming that their project will be publicly available when starting a remote build. This prompt can be automatically agreed to by passing ``--launchpad-accept-public-upload``. Closed-source projects can be built using the remote builder. This requires the user to create a private Launchpad project and pass the project with the ``--project `` command line argument. Git repository -------------- Projects must be in the top level of a git repository because snapcraft uses a git-based workflow to upload projects to Launchpad. Shallowly cloned repositories are not supported (e.g. ``git clone --depth 1``) because git does not support pushing shallow clones. Versions -------- Two versions of the remote-builder are available, the current and the legacy remote-builder. Current ^^^^^^^ The current remote builder is available for ``core22``, ``core24``, and newer snaps. It is not available for ``core20`` snaps because it cannot parse ``core20``'s ``snapcraft.yaml`` schema (`[10]`_). It does not modify the project or project metadata. Legacy ^^^^^^ The "fallback" or legacy version of the remote builder can be used for ``core20`` and ``core22`` snaps. It is not available for ``core24`` and newer snaps. The legacy remote builder was deprecated because of its design. It retrieves and tarballs remote sources and modifies the project's ``snapcraft.yaml`` file to point to the local tarballs. This caused many unexpected failures that could not be reproduced locally. Choosing a remote-builder ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The environment variable ``SNAPCRAFT_REMOTE_BUILD_STRATEGY`` determines which remote-builder is used: * ``disable-fallback`` will use the current remote builder * ``force-fallback`` will use the legacy remote builder If the environment variable is unset, the remote builder will be determined by the base: * ``core22``, ``core24``, and newer snaps will use the current remote builder * ``core20`` snaps will use the legacy remote builder Platforms and architectures --------------------------- Remote builds can be orchestrated for multiple platforms and architectures. Current ^^^^^^^ ``--platform`` and ``--build-for`` ********************************** .. note:: ``--platform`` and ``--build-for`` behave differently than they do for :ref:`lifecycle commands`. ``--platform`` or ``--build-for`` can only be provided when the ``platforms`` or ``architectures`` keywords are not defined in the project metadata (`[12]`_). These keywords are mutually exclusive and must be a comma-separated list of debian architectures. ``core22`` snaps can only use ``--build-for``. ``core24`` and newer snaps can use ``--platform`` or ``--build-for``. Project platforms and architectures *********************************** The ``snapcraft.yaml`` file is always parsed by the new remote builder. If the project metadata contains a ``platforms`` or ``architectures`` entry, Snapcraft will request a build for each unique ``build-for`` architecture. .. note:: Launchpad does not support cross-compiling (`[13]`_). .. note:: Launchpad does not support building multiple snaps on the same ``build-on`` architecture (`[14]`_). If the project metadata does not contain a ``platforms`` or ``architectures`` entry and no ``--build-for`` or ``--platform`` are passed, Snapcraft will request a build on, and for, the host's architecture. The remote builder does not work for ``core20`` snaps because it cannot parse the ``run-on`` keyword in a ``core20`` architecture entry (`[2]`_). Legacy ^^^^^^ ``--build-for`` and ``--build-on`` ********************************** The Launchpad build farm was designed for native builds and does not have a concept of a ``build-for`` architecture. The legacy remote builder accepts ``--build-on`` and ``--build-for``. Since developers are typically interested in the ``build-for`` of a snap, snapcraft converts the ``--build-for`` to ``--build-on``. These parameters are not mutually exclusive and ``--build-for`` takes precedence over ``--build-on``. Both of these parameters accept a comma-separated list of architectures. Snapcraft will request builds to occur on each specified architecture. Project architectures ********************* If the ``snapcraft.yaml`` file contains the top-level ``architectures`` keyword, snapcraft will request a build for each ``build-on`` architecture. An architecture can only be listed once across all ``build-on`` keys in the ``architectures`` keyword, otherwise Snapcraft will fail to parse the project (`[4]`_). If no architectures are defined in the project metadata, snapcraft will request a build for the host's architecture. ``--build-for`` and ``--build-on`` cannot be provided when the ``architectures`` keyword is defined in the project metadata. This is because Launchpad will ignore the requested architectures and prefer those defined in the ``snapcraft.yaml`` (`[5]`_). The legacy remote builder can be used for ``core20`` and ``core22`` snaps but the project is parsed using ``core20``'s ``snapcraft.yaml`` schema. This means that snaps using keywords introduced in ``core22`` cannot be built with the remote builder (`[6]`_ `[7]`_ `[8]`_). This includes the ``core22`` ``architectures`` keyword change of ``run-on`` to ``build-for``. Similarly, ``core22`` supports a shorthand notation for ``architectures`` but Launchpad is not able to parse this notation (`[9]`_). .. _`Launchpad account`: .. _`Launchpad`: .. _`build farm`: .. _`[2]`: .. _`[4]`: .. _`[5]`: .. _`[6]`: .. _`[7]`: .. _`[8]`: .. _`[9]`: .. _`[10]`: .. _`[12]`: .. _`[13]`: .. _`[14]`: