.. _ref_commands_promote: promote ======= A build set is a set of commonly-tagged revisions; the simplest form of a build set is a set of revisions released to a channel. Currently, only channels are supported to release from () Prior to releasing, visual confirmation shall be required. The format for channels is ``[/][/]`` where - is used to support long-term release channels. It is implicitly set to the default. - is mandatory and must be one of ``stable``, ``candidate``, ``beta`` or ``edge``. - is optional and dynamically creates a channel with a specific expiration date. Branches are specifically designed to support short-term hot fixes. Usage ----- :command:`snapcraft promote [options] ` Required -------- ``snap-name`` Options ------- ``--from-channel`` The channel to promote from. ``--to-channel`` The channel to promote to. ``--yes`` Do not prompt for confirmation. Global options -------------- ``-h`` or ``--help`` Show this help message and exit. ``-q`` or ``--quiet`` Only show warnings and errors, not progress. ``-v`` or ``--verbose`` Show debug information and be more verbose. ``--verbosity`` Set the verbosity level to 'quiet', 'brief', 'verbose', 'debug' or 'trace'. ``-V`` or ``--version`` Show the application version and exit.