
By default, Snapcraft builds a snap to run on the same architecture as the build environment. This behaviour can be modified with the root keyword architectures in the snap’s snapcraft.yaml.

The architectures keyword is used to create a build plan. See build plans for an explanation on how build plans are created.

How to create a snap for a specific architecture

To create a snap that will be built on amd64 and built for amd64, use one of the snapcraft.yaml snippets below.


  - build-on: [amd64]
    build-for: [amd64]

Building on amd64 will produce one snap built for amd64. Snapcraft will raise an error when building on another architecture.

If build-for is omitted, then it will assume the value of build-on. The following snippet snippet will produce the same result:

  - build-on: [amd64]


  - build-on: [amd64]
    run-on: [amd64]

Building on amd64 will produce one snap built for amd64. Snapcraft will not raise an error when building on another architecture. Instead, it will ignore the architectures keyword and build for the build-on architecture.

If run-on is omitted, then it will assume the value of build-on. The following snippet snippet will produce the same result:

  - build-on: [amd64]

The shorthand format will also produce the same result:

  - amd64

How to create a set of snaps for multiple architectures


  - build-on: [amd64]
    build-for: [amd64]
  - build-on: [arm64]
    build-for: [arm64]

Building on amd64 will produce one snap for amd64. Building on arm64 will produce one snap for arm64. Snapcraft will raise an error when building on another architecture.

If build-for is omitted, then it will assume the value of build-on. The following snippet snippet will produce the same result:

  - build-on: [amd64]
  - build-on: [arm64]


  - build-on: [amd64]
    run-on: [amd64]
  - build-on: [arm64]
    run-on: [arm64]

Building on amd64 will produce one snap built for amd64. Building on arm64 will produce one snap built for arm64. Snapcraft will not raise an error when building on another architecture. Instead, it will ignore the architectures keyword and build for the build-on architecture.

If run-on is omitted, then it will assume the value of build-on. The following snippet snippet will produce the same result:

  - build-on: amd64
  - build-on: arm64

The shorthand format will also produce the same result:

architectures: [amd64, arm64]

How to create an architecture independent snap

build-for: [all] is used for a snap that can run on all architectures, like a snap that is a shell or python script. It cannot be combined with other architectures. Click here for more information on the all keyword.


  - build-on: [amd64]
    build-for: [all]


  - build-on: [amd64]
    run-on: [all]

How to build a snap for a different architecture


  - build-on: [amd64]
    build-for: [arm64]

Building on amd64 will produce one snap built for arm64. Snapcraft will raise an error when building on another architecture.

core22 can handle complex build plans. For example:

  - build-on: [amd64]
    build-for: [amd64]
  - build-on: [amd64, arm64]
    build-for: [arm64]

Building on amd64 will produce two snaps, one built for amd64 and one built for arm64. Building on arm64 will produce one snap built for arm64. Snapcraft will raise an error when building on another architecture.


  - build-on: [amd64]
    run-on: [arm64]

Building on amd64 will produce one snap built for arm64. Snapcraft will not raise an error when building on another architecture. Instead, it will ignore the architectures keyword and build for the build-on architecture.

Complex build plans like the previous core22 example are not supported for core20.

How to stage packages from another architecture

To use an i386 package for an amd64 snap, use the following snapcraft.yaml snippets for core22:

  - build-on: [amd64]
    build-for: [amd64]

  - type: apt
    formats: [deb]
    architectures: [i386]
    components: [main]
    suites: [jammy]
    key-id: F23C5A6CF475977595C89F51BA6932366A755776

      - libpython3.11-minimal:i386

This is supported for related architectures. A snap built for amd64 can stage i386 packages and a snap built for i386 can stage amd64 packages. Similarly, a snap built for arm64 can stage armhf packages and a snap built for armhf can stage amd64 packages.